Saturday, January 26, 2013

Meet the crew!

Allow me to introduce myself...
This is me!
Child of God.Wife.Mother.Daughter.Sister.Lover of food...just thought I would throw that in there ;) 

The Husband:
I literally had zero pictures of him by I just snapped this one about an hour ago ha-ha!
This is Brandon, my handsome, godly, loving, caring, hard working husband.  He is AMAZING in so many ways and I am one lucky lady to have him by my side.
The princess:
Lillian (Lilly) 4yrs
This little girl is the light of my life! So smart and full of life...and a little head strong at times, but we wouldn't have her any other way ;)

Then there is the boy:
Brandon Lee 2yrs
He is definitely a momma's boy and that is how I like husband not so much ha-ha. Don't let that cute face fool you, he is ALL boy and can be mean as a snake sometimes. SOMETIMES ;)
Well, that's the crew! I could have written a page and a half about every single one of us, but I am sure you will be seeing a lot more of these faces soon.
Thanks for reading and have a blessed day!

Friday, January 25, 2013

Here goes nothing...

Well, I have decided to give this blogging thing a whirl. I have wanted to start a blog for a little over a year now, but I could NEVER find the time to update. Hopefully this time will be different :)! The title of my blog is Faith.Family.Food and that is exactly what I will be sharing with all of you.  

FAITH: Part of my New Years resolution was to become the Godly woman my family needs, so I would love to share that journey with the rest of the world. Who may inspire someone else to become stronger in faith! 

FAMILY: I am a wife and mother of two (2&4) so life is ALWAYS interesting. By the grace of God I am able to stay home with my 2 year old and plan on homeschooling my 4 year old come September.  I would also like to share this new adventure (homeschooling).  Wish us luck!!!

FOOD: I absolutely LOVE food and I am always up for trying something new.  Especially if it is healthy! We are working towards a healthier lifestyle by cutting out fast foods and focusing on what the body needs.  So I will be sharing some recipes that have been successful in our household and new ones we try along the way.

Thanks for reading and ENJOY :)